Champions Club
NEXT GEN Ministry
Kids with Special Needs
Ages 4 - 12
Sundays 9:15am & 11am
Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:30pm
Checkin opens 15 minutes before each service.
LFA Champions Club is an all-inclusive ministry specialized in caring for and nurturing children with special needs ages four through twelve. Champions Club provides a specially designed space and unique program that meets the developmental needs of these children in four important ways: SPIRITUALLY, EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY, AND CREATIVELY.
Our focus is on spiritual growth through God’s Word, developing the social-emotional skills of each child using various creative learning tools and engaging physical activity. Our hope is to point those with extraordinary needs to their destiny and help them navigate how to get there.
Learn more about this ministry by clicking here!
Find all information here on how your child can be a part of Champions Club.