NAME Center


Restoring, building, & saving marriages.

The National Association of Marriage Enhancement (NAME) Center is a network serving in the

United States and globally to address a serious problem—the breakdown of the family.

The LFA NAME Center joins this cause, restoring, building, and saving marriages through
FREE  couple-to-couple coaching sessions with our trained, volunteer NAME Certified Marriage Specialists. 


Make an Appointment

We provide Bible-based coaching.

Monday through Thursday.


Make an Appointment

Let us help you prepare for your new life.

Monday through Thursday

Making a Difference

The following are testimonies from people who have experienced God’s special touch and provision in their marriages through the LFA NAME Center. We believe you will be encouraged and find hope for yourself through reading them.

We needed a reboot...
We have learned a lot...
In the beginning...
When we first married...
We have learned so much...
The coaching offered great...