Water Baptism
Wednesday, April 23
Water Baptism
Wednesday, April 23
Water baptism is a public celebration of your decision to follow Jesus Christ and honor Him as Lord and Savior of your life. We want to celebrate this decision with you!
Carefully read the "Everything You Need to Know" section below before registering to be baptized.
If your child is sixth grade and under, we ask that you and your child join us for a meeting the Sunday immediately before Water Baptism Sunday. The meeting will be held in the Elementary Theater right after second service. Your child's understanding of water baptism will help make it a meaningful experience, and we want to be part of this process.
Pastor Cory
Elementary Pastor, LFA Kids
Everything You Need to Know
• Baptisms will take place at the front of our main Auditorium during worship.
• Be sure and arrive no later than 6:00pm.
• Meet in the Fellowship Hall (west end of the building—see LFA map).
• Upon arrival in the Fellowship Hall: check in, change into your LFA baptism T-shirt, and get your picture taken (include friends and family if you'd like).
The baptism experience requires climbing stairs into and out of the baptismal tank.
• We will provide you an LFA water baptism T-shirt.
• Wear long shorts or pants that are not see-through when wet. Board/athletic shorts work well.
Towel, a dry change of clothing, and any other items you need. Showers are not available.
Questions? Feel free to email us at connect@lawtonfirst.org.